Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

How to Reverse Your Sagging Business Income

This is one big question everyone across the business community wants to know the answer. Those who are struggling to reverse its south-heading revenue trend all burn the midnight oil in search of reversing sagging trend of their business revenue. Unfortunately, there is no one magic formula. It should be fully coordinated and sustained effort across all areas of your business before you see results. Without that, you potentially run the risk of liquidation of your business.

How to reverse its sagging business income

There are enough indicators of changing the destiny of your business income. Without exception, the miniscule percentage of cases, this could be due to various reasons. However, there are several steps you can take to position your revenue back on track. They can be classified as short, medium and long term strategies.

short-term strategy

can be further divided this as an immediate step, short, medium steps. You need to check whether there are long-term receivables in progress and to recover as soon as possible. Reduce liability, and if possible reduce them until the situation improves by tightening your proverbial corporate belt. Development Plan and the rescheduling of obligations with your dealer will help to conserve much needed cash.

Medium-Term Strategy

This phase usually runs between 2-5 years. Place greater emphasis on increasing productivity. Innovative adaptation of production processes and remove unwanted critical steps help a lot in that direction. You can put a hold on some expansion plans such as buying property, requiring a lot of money while paying the dividends is very slow. You can redirect this money for working capital.

medium-term plans to increase revenue include concentrating on other sources of income. You need to consolidate this revenue stream as it usually has the advantage of costs and benefits compared to regular income. Some companies have a very large contribution from the creek. This applies to small businesses too.

long term strategy

Long-term plans are usually more than 50-10 years long, typically varies by industry, although less so for small businesses. By this time your short-and medium-term plans will have begun. Your obligations are to be reduced if not completely recovered. Now I see a better return on investment as a result of the steps that are in the first 2 phases. Your loans for working capital and investment capital will begin to release. long-term strategy should aim at creating value and vision statements for the road ahead. We should start focusing on strategies such as buying property, acquiring companies and investing in human resources such as training and employment of quality people.

In all cases, the thread must be joined by financial discipline. Lack of it could be disastrous. More than anything else, your ingenuity and determination should be your motivating factors.

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